नेपाली ठग्ने नेपाली थाइल्याण्डमा पक्राउ

२९ जेठ, क्वालालम्पुर ।
अमेरिका र युरोपका देश पठाइदिन्छु भन्दै ठग्ने एक नेपाली युवा थाईल्याण्डमा पक्राउ परेका छन् । पक्राउ परेका ति नेपालीले अरु तीन जना नेपालीलाई ठगेका हुन् ।
पक्राउ परेका विवेक वान्तवाले तीन जना नेपालीबाट २ लाख ६२ हजार रुपैयाँ ठगेको बताईएको छ ।
थाइल्याण्डको एक समाचार वेवसाइटमा उल्लेख भए अनुसार किशोर राई भनेर चिनिने ३३ वर्षीय विवेक वान्तवाले ३ जना नेपालीलाई थाइल्याण्डको नाका भएर अमेरिका, क्यानडा र नर्वे लगायत देशमा रोजगारीमा पठाइदिने आश्वासन देखाएर उक्त रकम लिएका थिए ।
पश्चिमा देश पठाइदिने भन्दै पैसा लिएपनि महिनौं सम्म झुलाएपछि पिडित नेपालीहरुले दिएको उजुरीका आधारमा थाइल्याण्ड प्रहरीले वान्तवालाई पक्राउ गरेको हो ।
पिडितको उजुरीका आधारमा पक्राउ परेका वान्तवालाई नियन्त्रणमा राखेर थाई प्रहरीले थप अनुसन्धान गरिरहेको बताएको छ ।
प्रहरीले वान्तवा यसअघि समेत यस्तै ठगि मुद्दामा जेल परेर छुटेका अभियुक्त भएको बताएको छ ।
June 23, 2556 14:06 AM
 Police arrested the leader of a gang smuggling migrants to the country with three Nepali citizenship behavior, open the cover. Nearly 3 million baht worth of damage extended joint effort to escape arrest the other 6 cases.       Yesterday (23 June) Police Maj. Gen. Roy's based on the ผbk.tt. prosperous. . Capt. Arch ผbk.tt. Lt. Col. John Krai Thong secondary beacon suspended lily pad Subdivision 3 Bk.tt. Lt. Det Wake deputy chief one. Bk.tt. and Pol.Maj glorious worlds beautiful spatial Sw.s.tt. 2 kg 1 land. Parish announced the arrest of Mr Ben Tawas Bay (Mr.Bibek bantawa) Name arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court 713. / 2555 to May 2555, Mr. Kyle Ryan Shore (Mr.Kishor Rai) name on passport No. 4579293 Nationality Nepal, Nepal 32 years old Gang Leader and agents in the country illegally sending people to third countries with nationalized. Passbook Bank ATM 23 leaves 15 volumes client roster Nepalese passports and mobile phones captured at Fayetteville PST Condo Tower 2 Rd, Bangkok.        Maj. Connecticut ., Roy said Since the complaints to the Embassy of Nepal that Nepal has been to many lies and fraud. Mr. Pawan Phu Frank Age 35 years Nationality Nepal one of the victims was Mr Ben Tawas Bay, deceptive amount to about 5.4 billion baht to agree to do business with the company, made ​​in Thailand. But found that it was a scam when money with passports claiming to be registered, but the manipulation of escape. Turn off the phone and could not be contacted. Mr Pawan has come to that sensitivity. Wang Thong Lang police station and the court issued an arrest warrant said. Review found that Mr. Pawan was formerly a Police Sub Inspector Nepal. To meet with Mr withdraw in Beijing, China by Mr. Bishop is a national issue, relying on the same talking conspired to persuade business and sightseeing in China. Then, when the company agreed to give money to order and can not contact them again was found to be cheating on him.        Maj. Gen. Roy said For the behavior of Mr Quebec. Gang leader will do that, open sourcing company in Thailand by targeting the Nepalese living in Thailand. The groups of Nepalese And workers who come to work in Thailand. And the co-movement of the agent in the amount of 6 people, including 1. Mr.Abishek Limbu Kerung (escape Kalasin) 2. Mr.Parsuram Gurung 3. Mr.Suzsh Rai, 4. Mr.Bishal Rai. 5. Mr.Man Rai 6. Mr.Rizan Rai and Mr Québec is responsible for traveling - from Thailand to send domestic workers to the client agent in Thailand. Be made ​​by way of deception that the Nepalese themselves unable to find work in the U.S., Canada, Norway, Macau but have different cost 1,080,000 baht, which at that time could not travel back to reality. Victim went to police station to report the cases of Wang Thong Lang police station for 3 Suthisan and Wang Thong Lang police station. And complained to the Embassy of Nepal. 9 cases in Thailand, but traveled back to their home country. Most of the tourists traveling from Nepal to visit Thailand. Some worked as a clerk in a large hotel in Thailand. It also found Mr Quebec fake visa of Canada as well.        based approach to investigations that Thailand will be participating in the movement. And Mr withdraw such action for approximately three years, with many victims.Preliminary damage worth almost 3 million baht will be masked by traditional methods. Enough money to change the passport number and so to avoid being arrested. Mr preliminary Quebec has rejected. While bullying victim has made ​​a statement The Nepalese Embassy officials to Thailand to withdraw the notification. By stating that he was influential in Nepal. But embassy officials refused because the accused is a person considered dangerous and a threat to the people of Nepal. The charges, which took away documents and taken to the police station Lat fraud before prosecution. Will investigate and arrest those who joined the movement to escape another 6 The police also synchronization to the Chinese and Malays. It was found that the accused had a history of travel to China. And Malaysia frequently
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