डकैती योजना गर्ने पेस्तोल सहित पक्राउ,Police arrest two with German pistols in Bhaktapur

भक्तपुर, जेष्ठ २८ - भक्तपुरका सुर्यबिनायक र जगातीमा रहेको बैङ्क, वित्तिय संस्था तथा व्यक्तिका घरमा डकैतीको योजना बनाइरहेको समूहलाई प्रहरीले दुई वटा पेस्तोलसहित पक्राउ गरेको छ ।
महानगरीय प्रहरी परिसर भक्तपुरले मेड ईन जर्मनी लेखेको अत्याधुनिक दुई वटा पेस्तोल सहित दुई जनालाई पक्राउ गरेको हो । पक्राउ पर्नेमा सुनसरी घर भएका सबिनराज धामी र वाारा रतनपुरका गोपाल घलान छन् । उनीहरुको साथबाट बरामद भएको पेस्तोल अबैध हो ।
भक्तपुर प्रहरी प्रमुख एसपी जगतमान श्रेष्ठले ठुलो डकैती हुन लागेको सचुना आधारमा अनुसन्धान गर्दै जाँदा यिनीहरुलाई पक्राउ गरिएको बताए । उनका अनुसार यिनीहरुले हतियार आफ्नो साथमा राखेर जगाती र सुर्यबिनायक आसपासका बैङक, बित्तिय संस्थाहरुको रेकी गरिरहेका थिए ।

Police arrest two with German pistols in Bhaktapur
KATHMANDU, June 11 : A squad of Metropolitan Police Bhaktapur on Wednesday arrested two persons with German pistols from Sipadole of Bhaktapur district.

The arrested ones have been identified as Gopal Ghalan, 26, of Ratnapur-12 in Bara district and Sabin Raj Dhami, 21, of Baglori-9 in Sunsari district. 

The duo were arrested with two loaded pistols with 13rounds of bullets and two magazines with five rounds of bullets from Jagati Chowk at Sipdole-9, while they were heading to Dhulikhel in a car reserved for some tourists.

The loaded pistols were hidden in a bag. 

SP Jagatman Shrestha, Chief of Bhaktapur Metropolitan Police, said that the youths were rounded up following a special tip-off. 

The police had followed them from Jadibuti.

Though the arrested ones have denied that they possessed the pistols, the police suspect that they could be carrying the weapons with the motive to threaten some people in the highways. 

The arrested have claimed that they were asked to keep the weapons by somebody else who were leading the way on motorbikes, according to the police. 

But the police have not been able to arrest the bikers who were allegedly leading the way. 

The arrested have been remanded to seven days of police custody for further investigation. 

The police have confiscated over two dozen illegally possessed weapons in last few years in Bhaktapur.
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